Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You
Meet Your Host...
Dr. Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN

Do you or someone you care about suffer from any of the following?
- Hashimoto’s Disease: Immune system attacks the thyroid gland and thyroid enzymes
- Celiac Sprue Disease: A reaction to gluten (found in wheat, rye, and barley) that causes damage to the lining of the small intestine
- Psoriasis: A skin condition that causes redness and irritation as well as thick, flaky, silver-white patches
- Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD): A group of inflammatory diseases of the colon and small intestine
- Type 1 Diabetes: Destruction of insulin producing cells in the pancreas
- Hashimoto’s Disease: Immune system attacks the thyroid gland and thyroid enzymes
- Graves’ Disease: Overactive thyroid gland
- Addison’s Disease: Adrenal hormone insufficiency
- Reactive Arthritis: Inflammation of joints, urethra, and eyes; may cause sores on the skin and mucus membranes
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Affects skin, joints, kidneys, brain, and other organs
- Sjögren’s Syndrome: Destroys the glands that produce tears and saliva causing dry eyes and mouth; may affect kidneys and lungs
- Pernicious Anaemia: Alters red blood cell function by decreasing vitamin B12
- Vitiligo: White patches on the skin caused by loss of pigment
- Scleroderma: A connective tissue disease that causes changes in skin, blood vessels, muscles, and internal organs
Just to name a few…
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All Packages Come With A 30-Day No Hassle Guarantee. Simply request a refund within 30 day and send back the materials for a no hassle refund.
Why is autoimmunity so hard to cure?
The truth is this: We cannot arrest, or stop what we do not understand.
YOU simply cannot change what you do not know.
THAT is the seed that fuelled this entire project.
According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) there are 72+ million people in America alone, struggling with numerous autoimmunity issues; things such as M.S, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease IBD), skin disorders (Psoriasis, Eczema), Hair Loss (Alopecia) fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, to name just a few, or any one of ~130+ other autoimmune diseases.
If you know someone who has one of these awful diseases but wants to be able to fully love life again, and to participate without feeling sick, tired, fat, or racked by pain and frustration, then this will be the most important series you can watch!
Here’s why…
In Betrayal we will take you behind the scenes of the autoimmune industry. You’ll soon discover what the hidden elements are that cause you and your loved ones to be constantly sick, and left wondering why you’re not getting any better…and are often left without an answer – as to why!
Join me and my team, as we interview over 85+ well respected experts, doctors, functional medicine practitioners, professors, scientists, health advocates, and even survivors of this insidious spectrum of diseases, and watch as we lift the lid on the secrets that are being kept from you about why everyone is so sick.
I’m tired of seeing so many lives and families ruined by illness. Here’s how and why we can make you this promise… I’ve scoured the Earth to get the leading minds on Autoimmune Disease, to share their ground-breaking information, newest ideas and solutions, that will help people just like you, turn their lives around for the better.
After 30 years in practice, I cannot stand by even one more moment while the many manifestations of this illness continue to end lives, careers, families and dreams…
The best minds from many countries, and some of the most respected names in medicine and healthcare have come together to bring this information to light.
~Dr. Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN
“Join Me And… More Than 85+ Experts, Including doctors, scientists, world leading Functional Medicine experts, as well as sufferers who are now in remission, as we finally lift the lid on the autoimmune industry, in this Revealing 7-Part Series“
** Here are a small sample of the quality of speakers we have interviewed.
Click here to see the entire list
Your host
“Godfather of Functional Medicine”
“Godfather of Predictive Autoimmunity”, Israel
Immunologist & Microbiologist, CEO, Chief Scientific Advisor at Cyrex Laboratories
- Be in charge of your life once again, and not be forever “Fighting Off Something”
- Stop being constantly run down by illness and fatigue and so much more…
- Stop forking out thousands of dollars on pills & treatments that don’t get to the root cause
Autoimmune Disease has become an epidemic and a blight, dimming the light of hundreds of millions of people globally, and is ruining lives. Right here. Right now. We are bringing you the newest information, solutions and treatments that will turn the tide and improve millions of lives. I’m sure you’ll soon agree once you hear what our world-renowned experts have to say.
You will learn directly from many of the Godfathers of autoimmune research, and experts who are at the top of the field in Functional Medicine, with cutting edge information that will definitely shift the course of your or your loved ones suffering forever!

People Who Heard the Message, and Changed Their Lives Forever
“This is without exception the best documentary I have ever seen. Before I felt all alone … now I feel like part of something big, a brotherhood of true healers committed to communicate the good news, that there is hope!” ~ Claus
“Thank you! I am a suffering rheumatoid arthritis person and the mere glimmer of hope that I could possibly find a way to become pain-free and stop my chronic fatigue is an answer to a prayer. I had resigned myself to what I knew was to be my future. But to find a way to recover and feel good again, is a chance at a new, pain-free life. Can ‘t wait for tomorrow’s episode. Many thanks to all of you researching this and dedicating your life to help all of us. What a great gift. God bless your heart! ~ Tina

Think You Don't Have An Autoimmune Issue?
The world’s leading minds say that autoimmunity is the core cause for ALL disease, for cardiovascular disease, for CANCER— even for depression and suicide.
I do not want others to go through this hell…
And I know you don’t want your friends or family to suffer either.
Autoimmune disease robs our youth, steals our years and ruins lives…
How many people do you know have had their life experiences stolen from them?
How long are we going to wait until we stand up against this terrible dynamic?
Autoimmune Disease CAN be reversed and put into remission…
The research papers have said again and again that you can reverse the development of autoimmune disease by lifestyle choices.
There are scores of stories of breakthroughs.
And I want your’s to be one of those
Someone who heard the message, and turned around her story of suffering...

Autoimmunity has such a high price for the families suffering. It’s twice the estimated cost of cancer in the US.
Between the costs of these ridiculously-expensive medications, and the care required, the National Institute of Health estimates costs to be over 100 billion dollars annually for Autoimmune Disease.
But what about these poor individual families that were already struggling to get by?
It costs tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars – in medical bills and lost time and lost energy. In lost dreams.
In story after story we hear what this has cost patients. Millions of dollars. We have one patient that invested over 20,000 dollars a year for FOUR years … that’s a whopping 80,000 dollars!
Is that something you could afford?
The worst part of the story is that this woman got NO results.
This woman was stuck in her home, in too much pain, and often ashamed to leave. Her home became like a prison to her, her body became like a prison that she was locked inside of.
In the end, it was a book that saved her life. It cost her 30 dollars.
Check Out The Series
Episode 1 - Autoimmune Disease Revealed: The Shocking Truth
- What is autoimmune disease?
- The true impact of autoimmune disease in the U.S. and in other countries.
- What is functional medicine and how is it different from conventional medicine?
- The facts behind why medication is not the core solution.
- Inspirational case studies of patients being healed by the functional medicine protocols.
- Who is Dr. Tom O’Bryan and what’s his purpose with the Betrayal documentary series?
Episode 2 - Leaky Gut: The Gateway to Autoimmunity / Rheumatoid Arthritis
- The importance of a healthy gut. What intestinal permeability is, and why you need to know about it.
- The signs of leaky gut.
- The truth about leaky gut and the rheumatoid arthritis connection.
- The issue with vitamin deficiency and poor absorption.
- The vitamin D deficiency connection to leaky gut.
Episode 3 - The Microbiome: How to Restore the Good Bacteria
- The importance of the microbiome to your health.
- How microbiomes regulate the immune system.
- How the microbiome is affected at birth.
- A solution for a healthy microbiome.
- Case studies of patients healed by a healthy microbiome.
- How to check the status of your gut’s microbiome.
- How food affects microbiome.
- And lots more!
For years, the medical community viewed microbes as something to destroy. But the truth is, many microbes are VITAL to your health! There is so much new information coming out about microbes and how they keep us healthy, your doctor may not even know what is cutting-edge.
Episode 4 - Digestive Diseases: Inflammable Bowel / Gluten Sensitivity / Celiac
- The connection of autoimmune disease with gluten sensitivity.
- How to treat the digestive diseases.
- Ways to test and see if your digestive system is healthy or not.
- Success studies of patients getting healed from digestive diseases.
- Why acid is essential for good digestion.
- What to eat (and not eat) to have a healthy gut.
Episode 5 - Environmental Toxins: Protect your Family
- How and why toxins exist everywhere in the world.
- The alarming toxins in our food.
- How heavy metals affect the body.
- The unexpected mold problem.
- What you need to know about plastics.
- How the air you breathe can poison you.
Episode 6 - The Brain: Alzheimer’s / Parkinson’s / MS / Dementia / Autism
- How and why toxins exist everywhere in the world.
- The alarming toxins in our food.
- How heavy metals affect the body.
- The unexpected mold problem.
- What you need to know about plastics.
- How the air you breathe can poison you.
Episode 7 - Success Stories: Reversing MS / Psoriasis / Lupus / Asthma / Chronic
More than one billion pounds (yes, that’s BILLION) of pesticides are used annually in the United States, three-quarters in agriculture. Unfortunately, it’s not just the bugs who are exposed to these chemicals. It’s people that are being affected. Learn how toxins are a big contributing factor in the dramatic increase in autoimmune diseases and what you can do about protecting your family.
- Hear many inspirational case studies.
- Learn how people just like you got better.
- Solidify your understanding of how things can change.
- Get into action as you see the incredible transformations of others.
Episode 8 - Patients Share their Secret Path to Healing
- How it all began
- Tragic experiences from their ineffective conventional medicine treatments.
- Their emotional journey during the illness.
- What life looks like now after healing.
- Words of encouragement and hope to those still suffering.
Episode 9 - Doctors Unveil WHY They Do What They Do
You are about to hear the true, unknown experiences from some of the world’s leading experts in the world of functional medicine. You will hear them say “I’ve never said this to anyone before…” You are about to hear what shifted them from traditional medicine to a more comprehensive, bigger picture.
It took tremendous courage for them to do this. You’ll see what these people actually experienced and how the course of their lives changed irrevocably. And you’ll see how thousands were helped as a result. These courageous practitioners made the decision to face their demons and fears and take the steps to make the change.
“Join Me And… More Than 85+ Experts, Including doctors, scientists, world leading Functional Medicine experts, as well as sufferers who are now in remission, as we finally lift the lid on the autoimmune industry, in this Revealing 7-Part Series“
Your host
“Godfather of Functional Medicine”
“Godfather of Predictive Autoimmunity”, Israel
Immunologist & Microbiologist, CEO, Chief Scientific Advisor at Cyrex Laboratories
Remember, life isn’t what you feel or what you think.
Life is what you do. DO THIS. OWN THIS. You’ll listen to it AGAIN and AGAIN.
Choose to begin a life FUELED by FACTS.
You can’t change what you do not understand – but once that curtain Is drawn back?
Watch out world, because your ONE LIFE has a huge purpose when you’re not distracted by pain, fatigue, brain fog and illness.
And I for one can’t wait to see what you build with it.
The Choice is your’s. The time is now. You can:
- Stop being distracted by pain and illness and have a productive successful life again
- End the needless doctors visits, specialists, and medications. Who want to manage SYMPTOMS, but never heal you
- End the FATIGUE and ILLNESS, and add YEARS to your Life
- Equipped yourself to help heal and protect your children or loved ones from sickness and disease
- Own this series, which Is the culmination of YEARS of research, decades of relationships and tens of thousands of dollars just to gather the interviews – And millions of dollars in research by globally renowned experts
Are you ready to take control of your health once and for all?
Own the Series You Take No Risk!
All Packages Come With A 30-Days No Hassle Guarantee
Simply request a refund within 30 days and send back the materials for a no hassle refund.
The Bronze Package Contains:
- 9 full episodes in downloadable video format
- Also available to download as mp3 audio files
- 9 PDF transcript files
- Dr. Tom O’Bryan’s Personal Application Guide
- Bonus Material includes Q&A Videos
The Silver Package Contains:
- DVD Set of the 9 full episodes
- USB Stick loaded with episodes
9 full episodes in downloadable video format - Also available to download as mp3 audio files
- 9 PDF transcript files
- Dr. Tom O’Bryan’s Personal Application Guide
- Bonus material includes Q&A videos
The Gold Package Contains:
- 9 full episodes in downloadable video format
- Also available to download as mp3 audio files
- 9 PDF transcript files
- Dr. Tom O’Bryan’s Personal Application Guide
- The 85 interviews in downloadable video format
- MP3 audio files of the 85 interviews
- PDF transcripts of the 85 interviews
- Bonus materials include Q&A materials