Hidden Sources Of Gluten Guide

In This Guide, You’ll Discover…

It’s In Everything - And Not Just Food! Gluten Exposure Is Everywhere!

Gluten lurks in hidden corners of our lives, painfully disrupting those who would avoid it for health reasons. This guide highlights a list of unexpected (and potentially dangerous) household items, such as postage stamps, shampoo and hand soap and MANY other hidden threats you might never suspect or avoid without this information.

Gluten-Free Goes Way Beyond Food and Diet. Protection is a 24/7 Effort!

Patients with gluten-related disorders require knowledge and tools that go far beyond just a gluten-free diet or the foods on the menu and in the cupboard. This invaluable, portable guide covers: Medication and Supplement Ingredients, Household Products, Cosmetics (one of the worst offenders), and even packaging!

An Easy-To-Use, Handy, Alphabetized Guide, with over 300 ingredients!

It’s not just reading labels and skipping a few things (like processed foods, lipstick and bouillon cubes -- yes, we said lipstick)! There are many different names for gluten that you've never heard of! Discover how to quickly look up dozens of potentially “glutenized” ingredients, like “Avena Sativa Protein Extract” and “Malt Extract”

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